/* global
"use strict";
* @typedef {{Database:Database, Statement:Statement}} SqlJs
* @property {Database} Database A class that represents an SQLite database
* @property {Statement} Statement The prepared statement class
* @typedef {{locateFile:function(string):string}} SqlJsConfig
* @property {function(string):string} locateFile
* a function that returns the full path to a resource given its file name
* @see https://emscripten.org/docs/api_reference/module.html
* Asynchronously initializes sql.js
* @function initSqlJs
* @param {SqlJsConfig} config module inititialization parameters
* @returns {SqlJs}
* @example
* initSqlJs({
* locateFile: name => '/path/to/assets/' + name
* }).then(SQL => {
* const db = new SQL.Database();
* const result = db.exec("select 'hello world'");
* console.log(result);
* })
* @module SqlJs
// Wait for preRun to run, and then finish our initialization
Module["onRuntimeInitialized"] = function onRuntimeInitialized() {
// Declare toplevel variables
// register, used for temporary stack values
var apiTemp = stackAlloc(4);
var cwrap = Module["cwrap"];
// Null pointer
var NULL = 0;
// SQLite enum
var SQLITE_OK = 0;
var SQLITE_ROW = 100;
var SQLITE_DONE = 101;
var SQLITE_TEXT = 3;
var SQLITE_BLOB = 4;
// var - Encodings, used for registering functions.
var SQLITE_UTF8 = 1;
// var - Authorizer Action Codes used to identify change types in updateHook
// var - cwrap function
var sqlite3_open = cwrap("sqlite3_open", "number", ["string", "number"]);
var sqlite3_close_v2 = cwrap("sqlite3_close_v2", "number", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_exec = cwrap(
["number", "string", "number", "number", "number"]
var sqlite3_changes = cwrap("sqlite3_changes", "number", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_prepare_v2 = cwrap(
["number", "string", "number", "number", "number"]
var sqlite3_sql = cwrap("sqlite3_sql", "string", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_normalized_sql = cwrap(
var sqlite3_prepare_v2_sqlptr = cwrap(
["number", "number", "number", "number", "number"]
var sqlite3_bind_text = cwrap(
["number", "number", "number", "number", "number"]
var sqlite3_bind_blob = cwrap(
["number", "number", "number", "number", "number"]
var sqlite3_bind_double = cwrap(
["number", "number", "number"]
var sqlite3_bind_int = cwrap(
["number", "number", "number"]
var sqlite3_bind_parameter_index = cwrap(
["number", "string"]
var sqlite3_step = cwrap("sqlite3_step", "number", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_errmsg = cwrap("sqlite3_errmsg", "string", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_column_count = cwrap(
var sqlite3_data_count = cwrap("sqlite3_data_count", "number", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_column_double = cwrap(
["number", "number"]
var sqlite3_column_text = cwrap(
["number", "number"]
var sqlite3_column_blob = cwrap(
["number", "number"]
var sqlite3_column_bytes = cwrap(
["number", "number"]
var sqlite3_column_type = cwrap(
["number", "number"]
var sqlite3_column_name = cwrap(
["number", "number"]
var sqlite3_reset = cwrap("sqlite3_reset", "number", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_clear_bindings = cwrap(
var sqlite3_finalize = cwrap("sqlite3_finalize", "number", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_create_function_v2 = cwrap(
var sqlite3_value_type = cwrap("sqlite3_value_type", "number", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_value_bytes = cwrap(
var sqlite3_value_text = cwrap("sqlite3_value_text", "string", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_value_blob = cwrap("sqlite3_value_blob", "number", ["number"]);
var sqlite3_value_double = cwrap(
var sqlite3_result_double = cwrap(
["number", "number"]
var sqlite3_result_null = cwrap(
var sqlite3_result_text = cwrap(
["number", "string", "number", "number"]
var sqlite3_result_blob = cwrap(
["number", "number", "number", "number"]
var sqlite3_result_int = cwrap(
["number", "number"]
var sqlite3_result_error = cwrap(
["number", "string", "number"]
// https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/aggregate_context.html
// void *sqlite3_aggregate_context(sqlite3_context*, int nBytes)
var sqlite3_aggregate_context = cwrap(
["number", "number"]
var registerExtensionFunctions = cwrap(
var sqlite3_update_hook = cwrap(
["number", "number", "number"]
* @classdesc
* Represents a prepared statement.
* Prepared statements allow you to have a template sql string,
* that you can execute multiple times with different parameters.
* You can't instantiate this class directly, you have to use a
* {@link Database} object in order to create a statement.
* **Warnings**
* 1. When you close a database (using db.close()), all
* its statements are closed too and become unusable.
* 1. After calling db.prepare() you must manually free the assigned memory
* by calling Statement.free(). Failure to do this will cause subsequent
* 'DROP TABLE ...' statements to fail with 'Uncaught Error: database table
* is locked'.
* Statements can't be created by the API user directly, only by
* Database::prepare
* @see Database.html#prepare-dynamic
* @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prepared_statement
* @constructs Statement
* @memberof module:SqlJs
* @param {number} stmt1 The SQLite statement reference
* @param {Database} db The database from which this statement was created
function Statement(stmt1, db) {
this.stmt = stmt1;
this.db = db;
// Index of the leftmost parameter is 1
this.pos = 1;
// Pointers to allocated memory, that need to be freed
// when the statemend is destroyed
this.allocatedmem = [];
/** @typedef {string|number|null|Uint8Array} Database.SqlValue */
/** @typedef {
Array<Database.SqlValue>|Object<string, Database.SqlValue>|null
} Statement.BindParams
/** Bind values to the parameters, after having reseted the statement.
* If values is null, do nothing and return true.
* SQL statements can have parameters,
* named *'?', '?NNN', ':VVV', '@VVV', '$VVV'*,
* where NNN is a number and VVV a string.
* This function binds these parameters to the given values.
* *Warning*: ':', '@', and '$' are included in the parameters names
* ## Value types
* Javascript type | SQLite type
* -----------------| -----------
* number | REAL, INTEGER
* boolean | INTEGER
* string | TEXT
* Array, Uint8Array| BLOB
* null | NULL
* @example <caption>Bind values to named parameters</caption>
* var stmt = db.prepare(
* "UPDATE test SET a=@newval WHERE id BETWEEN $mini AND $maxi"
* );
* stmt.bind({$mini:10, $maxi:20, '@newval':5});
* @example <caption>Bind values to anonymous parameters</caption>
* // Create a statement that contains parameters like '?', '?NNN'
* var stmt = db.prepare("UPDATE test SET a=? WHERE id BETWEEN ? AND ?");
* // Call Statement.bind with an array as parameter
* stmt.bind([5, 10, 20]);
* @see http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html
* @see http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html#varparam
* @param {Statement.BindParams} values The values to bind
* @return {boolean} true if it worked
* @throws {String} SQLite Error
Statement.prototype["bind"] = function bind(values) {
if (!this.stmt) {
throw "Statement closed";
if (Array.isArray(values)) return this.bindFromArray(values);
if (values != null && typeof values === "object") {
return this.bindFromObject(values);
return true;
/** Execute the statement, fetching the the next line of result,
that can be retrieved with {@link Statement.get}.
@return {boolean} true if a row of result available
@throws {String} SQLite Error
Statement.prototype["step"] = function step() {
if (!this.stmt) {
throw "Statement closed";
this.pos = 1;
var ret = sqlite3_step(this.stmt);
switch (ret) {
return true;
return false;
throw this.db.handleError(ret);
Internal methods to retrieve data from the results of a statement
that has been executed
Statement.prototype.getNumber = function getNumber(pos) {
if (pos == null) {
pos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
return sqlite3_column_double(this.stmt, pos);
Statement.prototype.getBigInt = function getBigInt(pos) {
if (pos == null) {
pos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
var text = sqlite3_column_text(this.stmt, pos);
if (typeof BigInt !== "function") {
throw new Error("BigInt is not supported");
/* global BigInt */
return BigInt(text);
Statement.prototype.getString = function getString(pos) {
if (pos == null) {
pos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
return sqlite3_column_text(this.stmt, pos);
Statement.prototype.getBlob = function getBlob(pos) {
if (pos == null) {
pos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
var size = sqlite3_column_bytes(this.stmt, pos);
var ptr = sqlite3_column_blob(this.stmt, pos);
var result = new Uint8Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i += 1) {
result[i] = HEAP8[ptr + i];
return result;
/** Get one row of results of a statement.
If the first parameter is not provided, step must have been called before.
@param {Statement.BindParams} [params] If set, the values will be bound
to the statement before it is executed
@return {Array<Database.SqlValue>} One row of result
<caption>Print all the rows of the table test to the console</caption>
var stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM test");
while (stmt.step()) console.log(stmt.get());
<caption>Enable BigInt support</caption>
var stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM test");
while (stmt.step()) console.log(stmt.get(null, {useBigInt: true}));
Statement.prototype["get"] = function get(params, config) {
config = config || {};
if (params != null && this["bind"](params)) {
var results1 = [];
var ref = sqlite3_data_count(this.stmt);
for (var field = 0; field < ref; field += 1) {
switch (sqlite3_column_type(this.stmt, field)) {
var getfunc = config["useBigInt"]
? this.getBigInt(field)
: this.getNumber(field);
return results1;
/** Get the list of column names of a row of result of a statement.
@return {Array<string>} The names of the columns
var stmt = db.prepare(
"SELECT 5 AS nbr, x'616200' AS data, NULL AS null_value;"
stmt.step(); // Execute the statement
// Will print ['nbr','data','null_value']
Statement.prototype["getColumnNames"] = function getColumnNames() {
var results1 = [];
var ref = sqlite3_column_count(this.stmt);
for (var i = 0; i < ref; i += 1) {
results1.push(sqlite3_column_name(this.stmt, i));
return results1;
/** Get one row of result as a javascript object, associating column names
with their value in the current row.
@param {Statement.BindParams} [params] If set, the values will be bound
to the statement, and it will be executed
@return {Object<string, Database.SqlValue>} The row of result
@see {@link Statement.get}
var stmt = db.prepare(
"SELECT 5 AS nbr, x'010203' AS data, NULL AS null_value;"
stmt.step(); // Execute the statement
// Will print {nbr:5, data: Uint8Array([1,2,3]), null_value:null}
Statement.prototype["getAsObject"] = function getAsObject(params, config) {
var values = this["get"](params, config);
var names = this["getColumnNames"]();
var rowObject = {};
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i += 1) {
var name = names[i];
rowObject[name] = values[i];
return rowObject;
/** Get the SQL string used in preparing this statement.
@return {string} The SQL string
Statement.prototype["getSQL"] = function getSQL() {
return sqlite3_sql(this.stmt);
/** Get the SQLite's normalized version of the SQL string used in
preparing this statement. The meaning of "normalized" is not
well-defined: see {@link https://sqlite.org/c3ref/expanded_sql.html
the SQLite documentation}.
db.run("create table test (x integer);");
stmt = db.prepare("select * from test where x = 42");
// returns "SELECT*FROM test WHERE x=?;"
@return {string} The normalized SQL string
Statement.prototype["getNormalizedSQL"] = function getNormalizedSQL() {
return sqlite3_normalized_sql(this.stmt);
/** Shorthand for bind + step + reset
Bind the values, execute the statement, ignoring the rows it returns,
and resets it
@param {Statement.BindParams} [values] Value to bind to the statement
Statement.prototype["run"] = function run(values) {
if (values != null) {
return this["reset"]();
Statement.prototype.bindString = function bindString(string, pos) {
if (pos == null) {
pos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
var strptr = stringToNewUTF8(string);
return true;
Statement.prototype.bindBlob = function bindBlob(array, pos) {
if (pos == null) {
pos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
var blobptr = _malloc(array.length);
writeArrayToMemory(array, blobptr);
return true;
Statement.prototype.bindNumber = function bindNumber(num, pos) {
if (pos == null) {
pos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
var bindfunc = (
num === (num | 0)
? sqlite3_bind_int
: sqlite3_bind_double
this.db.handleError(bindfunc(this.stmt, pos, num));
return true;
Statement.prototype.bindNull = function bindNull(pos) {
if (pos == null) {
pos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
return sqlite3_bind_blob(this.stmt, pos, 0, 0, 0) === SQLITE_OK;
Statement.prototype.bindValue = function bindValue(val, pos) {
if (pos == null) {
pos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
switch (typeof val) {
case "string":
return this.bindString(val, pos);
case "number":
return this.bindNumber(val + 0, pos);
case "bigint":
// BigInt is not fully supported yet at WASM level.
return this.bindString(val.toString(), pos);
case "boolean":
return this.bindNumber(val + 0, pos);
case "object":
if (val === null) {
return this.bindNull(pos);
if (val.length != null) {
return this.bindBlob(val, pos);
throw (
"Wrong API use : tried to bind a value of an unknown type ("
+ val + ")."
/** Bind names and values of an object to the named parameters of the
@param {Object<string, Database.SqlValue>} valuesObj
Statement.prototype.bindFromObject = function bindFromObject(valuesObj) {
var that = this;
Object.keys(valuesObj).forEach(function each(name) {
var num = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(that.stmt, name);
if (num !== 0) {
that.bindValue(valuesObj[name], num);
return true;
/** Bind values to numbered parameters
@param {Array<Database.SqlValue>} values
Statement.prototype.bindFromArray = function bindFromArray(values) {
for (var num = 0; num < values.length; num += 1) {
this.bindValue(values[num], num + 1);
return true;
/** Reset a statement, so that its parameters can be bound to new values
It also clears all previous bindings, freeing the memory used
by bound parameters.
Statement.prototype["reset"] = function reset() {
return (
sqlite3_clear_bindings(this.stmt) === SQLITE_OK
&& sqlite3_reset(this.stmt) === SQLITE_OK
/** Free the memory allocated during parameter binding */
Statement.prototype["freemem"] = function freemem() {
var mem;
while ((mem = this.allocatedmem.pop()) !== undefined) {
/** Free the memory used by the statement
@return {boolean} true in case of success
Statement.prototype["free"] = function free() {
var res;
res = sqlite3_finalize(this.stmt) === SQLITE_OK;
delete this.db.statements[this.stmt];
this.stmt = NULL;
return res;
* @classdesc
* An iterator over multiple SQL statements in a string,
* preparing and returning a Statement object for the next SQL
* statement on each iteration.
* You can't instantiate this class directly, you have to use a
* {@link Database} object in order to create a statement iterator
* {@see Database#iterateStatements}
* @example
* // loop over and execute statements in string sql
* for (let statement of db.iterateStatements(sql) {
* statement.step();
* // get results, etc.
* // do not call statement.free() manually, each statement is freed
* // before the next one is parsed
* }
* // capture any bad query exceptions with feedback
* // on the bad sql
* let it = db.iterateStatements(sql);
* try {
* for (let statement of it) {
* statement.step();
* }
* } catch(e) {
* console.log(
* `The SQL string "${it.getRemainingSQL()}" ` +
* `contains the following error: ${e}`
* );
* }
* @implements {Iterator<Statement>}
* @implements {Iterable<Statement>}
* @constructs StatementIterator
* @memberof module:SqlJs
* @param {string} sql A string containing multiple SQL statements
* @param {Database} db The database from which this iterator was created
function StatementIterator(sql, db) {
this.db = db;
this.sqlPtr = stringToNewUTF8(sql);
if (this.sqlPtr === null) {
throw new Error("Unable to allocate memory for the SQL string");
this.nextSqlPtr = this.sqlPtr;
this.nextSqlString = null;
this.activeStatement = null;
* @typedef {{ done:true, value:undefined } |
* { done:false, value:Statement}}
* StatementIterator.StatementIteratorResult
* @property {Statement} value the next available Statement
* (as returned by {@link Database.prepare})
* @property {boolean} done true if there are no more available statements
/** Prepare the next available SQL statement
@return {StatementIterator.StatementIteratorResult}
@throws {String} SQLite error or invalid iterator error
StatementIterator.prototype["next"] = function next() {
if (this.sqlPtr === null) {
return { done: true };
if (this.activeStatement !== null) {
this.activeStatement = null;
if (!this.db.db) {
throw new Error("Database closed");
var stack = stackSave();
var pzTail = stackAlloc(4);
setValue(apiTemp, 0, "i32");
setValue(pzTail, 0, "i32");
try {
this.nextSqlPtr = getValue(pzTail, "i32");
var pStmt = getValue(apiTemp, "i32");
if (pStmt === NULL) {
return { done: true };
this.activeStatement = new Statement(pStmt, this.db);
this.db.statements[pStmt] = this.activeStatement;
return { value: this.activeStatement, done: false };
} catch (e) {
this.nextSqlString = UTF8ToString(this.nextSqlPtr);
throw e;
} finally {
StatementIterator.prototype.finalize = function finalize() {
this.sqlPtr = null;
/** Get any un-executed portions remaining of the original SQL string
@return {String}
StatementIterator.prototype["getRemainingSQL"] = function getRemainder() {
// iff an exception occurred, we set the nextSqlString
if (this.nextSqlString !== null) return this.nextSqlString;
// otherwise, convert from nextSqlPtr
return UTF8ToString(this.nextSqlPtr);
/* implement Iterable interface */
if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
StatementIterator.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function iterator() {
return this;
/** @classdesc
* Represents an SQLite database
* @constructs Database
* @memberof module:SqlJs
* Open a new database either by creating a new one or opening an existing
* one stored in the byte array passed in first argument
* @param {Array<number>} data An array of bytes representing
* an SQLite database file
function Database(data) {
this.filename = "dbfile_" + (0xffffffff * Math.random() >>> 0);
if (data != null) {
FS.createDataFile("/", this.filename, data, true, true);
this.handleError(sqlite3_open(this.filename, apiTemp));
this.db = getValue(apiTemp, "i32");
// A list of all prepared statements of the database
this.statements = {};
// A list of all user function of the database
// (created by create_function call)
this.functions = {};
/** Execute an SQL query, ignoring the rows it returns.
@param {string} sql a string containing some SQL text to execute
@param {Statement.BindParams} [params] When the SQL statement contains
placeholders, you can pass them in here. They will be bound to the statement
before it is executed. If you use the params argument, you **cannot**
provide an sql string that contains several statements (separated by `;`)
// Insert values in a table
"INSERT INTO test VALUES (:age, :name)",
{ ':age' : 18, ':name' : 'John' }
@return {Database} The database object (useful for method chaining)
Database.prototype["run"] = function run(sql, params) {
if (!this.db) {
throw "Database closed";
if (params) {
var stmt = this["prepare"](sql, params);
try {
} finally {
} else {
this.handleError(sqlite3_exec(this.db, sql, 0, 0, apiTemp));
return this;
* @typedef {{
}} Database.QueryExecResult
* @property {Array<string>} columns the name of the columns of the result
* (as returned by {@link Statement.getColumnNames})
* @property {
* Array<Array<Database.SqlValue>>
* } values one array per row, containing
* the column values
/** Execute an SQL query, and returns the result.
* This is a wrapper against
* {@link Database.prepare},
* {@link Statement.bind},
* {@link Statement.step},
* {@link Statement.get},
* and {@link Statement.free}.
* The result is an array of result elements. There are as many result
* elements as the number of statements in your sql string (statements are
* separated by a semicolon)
* ## Example use
* We will create the following table, named *test* and query it with a
* multi-line statement using params:
* | id | age | name |
* |:--:|:---:|:------:|
* | 1 | 1 | Ling |
* | 2 | 18 | Paul |
* We query it like that:
* ```javascript
* var db = new SQL.Database();
* var res = db.exec(
* + "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER, age INTEGER, name TEXT);"
* + "INSERT INTO test VALUES ($id1, :age1, @name1);"
* + "INSERT INTO test VALUES ($id2, :age2, @name2);"
* + "SELECT id FROM test;"
* + "SELECT age,name FROM test WHERE id=$id1",
* {
* "$id1": 1, ":age1": 1, "@name1": "Ling",
* "$id2": 2, ":age2": 18, "@name2": "Paul"
* }
* );
* ```
* `res` is now :
* ```javascript
* [
* {"columns":["id"],"values":[[1],[2]]},
* {"columns":["age","name"],"values":[[1,"Ling"]]}
* ]
* ```
@param {string} sql a string containing some SQL text to execute
@param {Statement.BindParams} [params] When the SQL statement contains
placeholders, you can pass them in here. They will be bound to the statement
before it is executed. If you use the params argument as an array,
you **cannot** provide an sql string that contains several statements
(separated by `;`). This limitation does not apply to params as an object.
* @return {Array<Database.QueryExecResult>} The results of each statement
Database.prototype["exec"] = function exec(sql, params, config) {
if (!this.db) {
throw "Database closed";
var stmt = null;
var originalSqlPtr = null;
var currentSqlPtr = null;
try {
originalSqlPtr = stringToNewUTF8(sql);
currentSqlPtr = originalSqlPtr;
var pzTail = stackAlloc(4);
var results = [];
while (getValue(currentSqlPtr, "i8") !== NULL) {
setValue(apiTemp, 0, "i32");
setValue(pzTail, 0, "i32");
// pointer to a statement, or null
var pStmt = getValue(apiTemp, "i32");
currentSqlPtr = getValue(pzTail, "i32");
// Empty statement
if (pStmt !== NULL) {
var curresult = null;
stmt = new Statement(pStmt, this);
if (params != null) {
while (stmt["step"]()) {
if (curresult === null) {
curresult = {
columns: stmt["getColumnNames"](),
values: [],
curresult["values"].push(stmt["get"](null, config));
return results;
} catch (errCaught) {
if (stmt) stmt["free"]();
throw errCaught;
} finally {
if (originalSqlPtr) _free(originalSqlPtr);
/** Execute an sql statement, and call a callback for each row of result.
Currently this method is synchronous, it will not return until the callback
has been called on every row of the result. But this might change.
@param {string} sql A string of SQL text. Can contain placeholders
that will be bound to the parameters given as the second argument
@param {Statement.BindParams=} [params=] Parameters to bind to the query
@param {function(Object<string, Database.SqlValue>):void} callback
Function to call on each row of result
@param {function():void} done A function that will be called when
all rows have been retrieved
@return {Database} The database object. Useful for method chaining
@example <caption>Read values from a table</caption>
db.each("SELECT name,age FROM users WHERE age >= $majority", {$majority:18},
function (row){console.log(row.name + " is a grown-up.")}
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
Database.prototype["each"] = function each(sql, params, callback, done, config) {
var stmt;
if (typeof params === "function") {
done = callback;
callback = params;
params = undefined;
stmt = this["prepare"](sql, params);
try {
while (stmt["step"]()) {
callback(stmt["getAsObject"](null, config));
} finally {
if (typeof done === "function") {
return done();
return undefined;
/** Prepare an SQL statement
@param {string} sql a string of SQL, that can contain placeholders
(`?`, `:VVV`, `:AAA`, `@AAA`)
@param {Statement.BindParams} [params] values to bind to placeholders
@return {Statement} the resulting statement
@throws {String} SQLite error
Database.prototype["prepare"] = function prepare(sql, params) {
setValue(apiTemp, 0, "i32");
this.handleError(sqlite3_prepare_v2(this.db, sql, -1, apiTemp, NULL));
// pointer to a statement, or null
var pStmt = getValue(apiTemp, "i32");
if (pStmt === NULL) {
throw "Nothing to prepare";
var stmt = new Statement(pStmt, this);
if (params != null) {
this.statements[pStmt] = stmt;
return stmt;
/** Iterate over multiple SQL statements in a SQL string.
* This function returns an iterator over {@link Statement} objects.
* You can use a for..of loop to execute the returned statements one by one.
* @param {string} sql a string of SQL that can contain multiple statements
* @return {StatementIterator} the resulting statement iterator
* @example <caption>Get the results of multiple SQL queries</caption>
* const sql_queries = "SELECT 1 AS x; SELECT '2' as y";
* for (const statement of db.iterateStatements(sql_queries)) {
* const sql = statement.getSQL(); // Get the SQL source
* const result = statement.getAsObject({}); // Get the row of data
* console.log(sql, result);
* }
* // This will print:
* // 'SELECT 1 AS x;' { x: 1 }
* // " SELECT '2' as y" { y: '2' }
Database.prototype["iterateStatements"] = function iterateStatements(sql) {
return new StatementIterator(sql, this);
/** Exports the contents of the database to a binary array. This
* operation will close and re-open the database which will cause
* any pragmas to be set back to their default values.
@return {Uint8Array} An array of bytes of the SQLite3 database file
Database.prototype["export"] = function exportDatabase() {
Object.values(this.statements).forEach(function each(stmt) {
this.functions = {};
var binaryDb = FS.readFile(this.filename, { encoding: "binary" });
this.handleError(sqlite3_open(this.filename, apiTemp));
this.db = getValue(apiTemp, "i32");
return binaryDb;
/** Close the database, and all associated prepared statements.
* The memory associated to the database and all associated statements
* will be freed.
* **Warning**: A statement belonging to a database that has been closed
* cannot be used anymore.
* Databases **must** be closed when you're finished with them, or the
* memory consumption will grow forever
Database.prototype["close"] = function close() {
// do nothing if db is null or already closed
if (this.db === null) {
Object.values(this.statements).forEach(function each(stmt) {
this.functions = {};
if (this.updateHookFunctionPtr) {
this.updateHookFunctionPtr = undefined;
FS.unlink("/" + this.filename);
this.db = null;
/** Analyze a result code, return null if no error occured, and throw
an error with a descriptive message otherwise
Database.prototype["handleError"] = function handleError(returnCode) {
var errmsg;
if (returnCode === SQLITE_OK) {
return null;
errmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(this.db);
throw new Error(errmsg);
/** Returns the number of changed rows (modified, inserted or deleted)
by the latest completed INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement on the
database. Executing any other type of SQL statement does not modify
the value returned by this function.
@return {number} the number of rows modified
Database.prototype["getRowsModified"] = function getRowsModified() {
return sqlite3_changes(this.db);
var extract_blob = function extract_blob(ptr) {
var size = sqlite3_value_bytes(ptr);
var blob_ptr = sqlite3_value_blob(ptr);
var blob_arg = new Uint8Array(size);
for (var j = 0; j < size; j += 1) {
blob_arg[j] = HEAP8[blob_ptr + j];
return blob_arg;
var parseFunctionArguments = function parseFunctionArguments(argc, argv) {
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < argc; i += 1) {
var value_ptr = getValue(argv + (4 * i), "i32");
var value_type = sqlite3_value_type(value_ptr);
var arg;
if (
value_type === SQLITE_INTEGER
|| value_type === SQLITE_FLOAT
) {
arg = sqlite3_value_double(value_ptr);
} else if (value_type === SQLITE_TEXT) {
arg = sqlite3_value_text(value_ptr);
} else if (value_type === SQLITE_BLOB) {
arg = extract_blob(value_ptr);
} else arg = null;
return args;
var setFunctionResult = function setFunctionResult(cx, result) {
switch (typeof result) {
case "boolean":
sqlite3_result_int(cx, result ? 1 : 0);
case "number":
sqlite3_result_double(cx, result);
case "string":
sqlite3_result_text(cx, result, -1, -1);
case "object":
if (result === null) {
} else if (result.length != null) {
var blobptr = _malloc(result.length);
writeArrayToMemory(result, blobptr);
sqlite3_result_blob(cx, blobptr, result.length, -1);
} else {
cx, (
"Wrong API use : tried to return a value "
+ "of an unknown type (" + result + ")."
), -1
/** Register a custom function with SQLite
@example <caption>Register a simple function</caption>
db.create_function("addOne", function (x) {return x+1;})
db.exec("SELECT addOne(1)") // = 2
@param {string} name the name of the function as referenced in
SQL statements.
@param {function(any)} func the actual function to be executed.
@return {Database} The database object. Useful for method chaining
Database.prototype["create_function"] = function create_function(
) {
function wrapped_func(cx, argc, argv) {
var args = parseFunctionArguments(argc, argv);
var result;
try {
result = func.apply(null, args);
} catch (error) {
sqlite3_result_error(cx, error, -1);
setFunctionResult(cx, result);
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.functions, name)) {
delete this.functions[name];
// The signature of the wrapped function is :
// void wrapped(sqlite3_context *db, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv)
var func_ptr = addFunction(wrapped_func, "viii");
this.functions[name] = func_ptr;
return this;
/** Register a custom aggregate with SQLite
@example <caption>Register a custom sum function</caption>
db.create_aggregate("js_sum", {
init: () => 0,
step: (state, value) => state + value,
finalize: state => state
db.exec("SELECT js_sum(column1) FROM (VALUES (1), (2))"); // = 3
@param {string} name the name of the aggregate as referenced in
SQL statements.
@param {object} aggregateFunctions
object containing at least a step function.
@param {function(): T} [aggregateFunctions.init=]
a function receiving no arguments and returning an initial
value for the aggregate function. The initial value will be
null if this key is omitted.
@param {function(T, any) : T} aggregateFunctions.step
a function receiving the current state and a value to aggregate
and returning a new state.
Will receive the value from init for the first step.
@param {function(T): any} [aggregateFunctions.finalize=]
a function returning the result of the aggregate function
given its final state.
If omitted, the value returned by the last step
will be used as the final value.
@return {Database} The database object. Useful for method chaining
@template T
Database.prototype["create_aggregate"] = function create_aggregate(
) {
// Default initializer and finalizer
var init = aggregateFunctions["init"]
|| function init() { return null; };
var finalize = aggregateFunctions["finalize"]
|| function finalize(state) { return state; };
var step = aggregateFunctions["step"];
if (!step) {
throw "An aggregate function must have a step function in " + name;
// state is a state object; we'll use the pointer p to serve as the
// key for where we hold our state so that multiple invocations of
// this function never step on each other
var state = {};
function wrapped_step(cx, argc, argv) {
// > The first time the sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) routine is
// > called for a particular aggregate function, SQLite allocates N
// > bytes of memory, zeroes out that memory, and returns a pointer
// > to the new memory.
// We're going to use that pointer as a key to our state array,
// since using sqlite3_aggregate_context as it's meant to be used
// through webassembly seems to be very difficult. Just allocate
// one byte.
var p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(cx, 1);
// If this is the first invocation of wrapped_step, call `init`
// Make sure that every path through the step and finalize
// functions deletes the value state[p] when it's done so we don't
// leak memory and possibly stomp the init value of future calls
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(state, p)) state[p] = init();
var args = parseFunctionArguments(argc, argv);
var mergedArgs = [state[p]].concat(args);
try {
state[p] = step.apply(null, mergedArgs);
} catch (error) {
delete state[p];
sqlite3_result_error(cx, error, -1);
function wrapped_finalize(cx) {
var result;
var p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(cx, 1);
try {
result = finalize(state[p]);
} catch (error) {
delete state[p];
sqlite3_result_error(cx, error, -1);
setFunctionResult(cx, result);
delete state[p];
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(this.functions, name)) {
delete this.functions[name];
var finalize_name = name + "__finalize";
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(this.functions, finalize_name)) {
delete this.functions[finalize_name];
// The signature of the wrapped function is :
// void wrapped(sqlite3_context *db, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv)
var step_ptr = addFunction(wrapped_step, "viii");
// The signature of the wrapped function is :
// void wrapped(sqlite3_context *db)
var finalize_ptr = addFunction(wrapped_finalize, "vi");
this.functions[name] = step_ptr;
this.functions[finalize_name] = finalize_ptr;
// passing null to the sixth parameter defines this as an aggregate
// function
// > An aggregate SQL function requires an implementation of xStep and
// > xFinal and NULL pointer must be passed for xFunc.
// - http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/create_function.html
step.length - 1,
return this;
/** Registers an update hook with SQLite.
* Every time a row is changed by whatever means, the callback is called
* once with the change (`'insert'`, `'update'` or `'delete'`), the database
* name and table name where the change happened and the
* [rowid](https://www.sqlite.org/rowidtable.html)
* of the row that has been changed.
* The rowid is cast to a plain number. If it exceeds
* `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` (2^53 - 1), an error will be thrown.
* **Important notes:**
* - The callback **MUST NOT** modify the database in any way
* - Only a single callback can be registered at a time
* - Unregister the callback by passing `null`
* - Not called for some updates like `ON REPLACE CONFLICT` and `TRUNCATE`
* (a `DELETE FROM` without a `WHERE` clause)
* See SQLite documentation on
* [sqlite3_update_hook](https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/update_hook.html)
* for more details
* @example
* // Create a database and table
* var db = new SQL.Database();
* db.exec(`
* CREATE TABLE users (
* id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- this is the rowid column
* name TEXT,
* active INTEGER
* )
* `);
* // Register an update hook
* var changes = [];
* db.updateHook(function(operation, database, table, rowId) {
* changes.push({operation, database, table, rowId});
* console.log(`${operation} on ${database}.${table} row ${rowId}`);
* });
* // Insert a row - triggers the update hook with 'insert'
* db.run("INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Alice', 1)");
* // Logs: "insert on main.users row 1"
* // Update a row - triggers the update hook with 'update'
* db.run("UPDATE users SET active = 0 WHERE id = 1");
* // Logs: "update on main.users row 1"
* // Delete a row - triggers the update hook with 'delete'
* db.run("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = 1");
* // Logs: "delete on main.users row 1"
* // Unregister the update hook
* db.updateHook(null);
* // This won't trigger any callback
* db.run("INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'Bob', 1)");
* @param {Database~UpdateHookCallback|null} callback
* - Callback to be executed when a row changes. Takes the type of change,
* the name of the database, the name of the table, and the row id of the
* changed row.
* - Set to `null` to unregister.
* @returns {Database} The database object. Useful for method chaining
Database.prototype["updateHook"] = function updateHook(callback) {
if (this.updateHookFunctionPtr) {
// unregister and cleanup a previously registered update hook
sqlite3_update_hook(this.db, 0, 0);
this.updateHookFunctionPtr = undefined;
if (!callback) {
// no new callback to register
return this;
// void(*)(void *,int ,char const *,char const *,sqlite3_int64)
function wrappedCallback(
) {
var operation;
switch (operationCode) {
operation = "insert";
operation = "update";
operation = "delete";
throw "unknown operationCode in updateHook callback: "
+ operationCode;
var databaseName = UTF8ToString(databaseNamePtr);
var tableName = UTF8ToString(tableNamePtr);
if (rowIdBigInt > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
throw "rowId too big to fit inside a Number";
var rowId = Number(rowIdBigInt);
callback(operation, databaseName, tableName, rowId);
this.updateHookFunctionPtr = addFunction(wrappedCallback, "viiiij");
0 // passed as the first arg to wrappedCallback
return this;
* @callback Database~UpdateHookCallback
* @param {'insert'|'update'|'delete'} operation
* - The type of change that occurred
* @param {string} database
* - The name of the database where the change occurred
* @param {string} table
* - The name of the database's table where the change occurred
* @param {number} rowId
* - The [rowid](https://www.sqlite.org/rowidtable.html) of the changed row
// export Database to Module
Module.Database = Database;