new Statement(stmt1, db)#
Name | Type | Description |
stmt1 | number | The SQLite statement reference |
db | Database | The database from which this statement was created |
- See
- Database.html#prepare-dynamic
["bind"](values) → {boolean}#
Bind values to the parameters, after having reseted the statement. If values is null, do nothing and return true.
SQL statements can have parameters, named '?', '?NNN', ':VVV', '@VVV', '$VVV', where NNN is a number and VVV a string. This function binds these parameters to the given values.
Warning: ':', '@', and '$' are included in the parameters names
Value types#
Javascript type | SQLite type |
number | REAL, INTEGER |
boolean | INTEGER |
string | TEXT |
Array, Uint8Array | BLOB |
null | NULL |
Name | Type | Description |
values | Statement. | The values to bind |
SQLite Error
- Type
- String
true if it worked
- Type:
- boolean
Bind values to named parameters
var stmt = db.prepare( "UPDATE test SET a=@newval WHERE id BETWEEN $mini AND $maxi" ); stmt.bind({$mini:10, $maxi:20, '@newval':5});
Bind values to anonymous parameters
// Create a statement that contains parameters like '?', '?NNN' var stmt = db.prepare("UPDATE test SET a=? WHERE id BETWEEN ? AND ?"); // Call Statement.bind with an array as parameter stmt.bind([5, 10, 20]);
["free"]() → {boolean}#
Free the memory used by the statement
true in case of success
- Type:
- boolean
Free the memory allocated during parameter binding
["get"](paramsopt) → {Array.<Database.SqlValue>}#
Get one row of results of a statement. If the first parameter is not provided, step must have been called before.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
params | Statement. | <optional> | If set, the values will be bound to the statement before it is executed |
One row of result
- Type:
- Array.<Database.SqlValue>
Print all the rows of the table test to the console
var stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM test"); while (stmt.step()) console.log(stmt.get()); <caption>Enable BigInt support</caption> var stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM test"); while (stmt.step()) console.log(stmt.get(null, {useBigInt: true}));
["getAsObject"](paramsopt) → {Object.<string, Database.SqlValue>}#
Get one row of result as a javascript object, associating column names with their value in the current row.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
params | Statement. | <optional> | If set, the values will be bound to the statement, and it will be executed |
- See
- Statement.get
The row of result
- Type:
- Object.<string, Database.SqlValue>
var stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT 5 AS nbr, x'010203' AS data, NULL AS null_value;" ); stmt.step(); // Execute the statement console.log(stmt.getAsObject()); // Will print {nbr:5, data: Uint8Array([1,2,3]), null_value:null}
["getColumnNames"]() → {Array.<string>}#
Get the list of column names of a row of result of a statement.
The names of the columns
- Type:
- Array.<string>
var stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT 5 AS nbr, x'616200' AS data, NULL AS null_value;" ); stmt.step(); // Execute the statement console.log(stmt.getColumnNames()); // Will print ['nbr','data','null_value']
["getNormalizedSQL"]() → {string}#
Get the SQLite's normalized version of the SQL string used in preparing this statement. The meaning of "normalized" is not well-defined: see the SQLite documentation.
The normalized SQL string
- Type:
- string"create table test (x integer);"); stmt = db.prepare("select * from test where x = 42"); // returns "SELECT*FROM test WHERE x=?;"
["getSQL"]() → {string}#
Get the SQL string used in preparing this statement.
The SQL string
- Type:
- string
Reset a statement, so that its parameters can be bound to new values It also clears all previous bindings, freeing the memory used by bound parameters.
Shorthand for bind + step + reset Bind the values, execute the statement, ignoring the rows it returns, and resets it
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
values | Statement. | <optional> | Value to bind to the statement |
["step"]() → {boolean}#
Execute the statement, fetching the the next line of result, that can be retrieved with Statement.get.
SQLite Error
- Type
- String
true if a row of result available
- Type:
- boolean
Type Definitions#
- Array.<Database.SqlValue> |
Object.<string, Database.SqlValue> | null