new Database(data)
Name | Type | Description |
data | Array.<number> | An array of bytes representing an SQLite database file |
Close the database, and all associated prepared statements. The memory associated to the database and all associated statements will be freed.
Warning: A statement belonging to a database that has been closed cannot be used anymore.
Databases must be closed when you're finished with them, or the memory consumption will grow forever
["create_aggregate"](name, aggregateFunctions) → {Database}
Register a custom aggregate with SQLite
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||
name | string | the name of the aggregate as referenced in SQL statements. | ||||||||||||||||
aggregateFunctions | object | object containing at least a step function. Properties
The database object. Useful for method chaining
- Type:
- Database
Register a custom sum function
db.create_aggregate("js_sum", {
init: () => 0,
step: (state, value) => state + value,
finalize: state => state
db.exec("SELECT js_sum(column1) FROM (VALUES (1), (2))"); // = 3
["create_function"](name, func) → {Database}
Register a custom function with SQLite
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | the name of the function as referenced in SQL statements. |
func | function | the actual function to be executed. |
The database object. Useful for method chaining
- Type:
- Database
Register a simple function
db.create_function("addOne", function (x) {return x+1;})
db.exec("SELECT addOne(1)") // = 2
["each"](sql, params=opt, callback, done) → {Database}
Execute an sql statement, and call a callback for each row of result.
Currently this method is synchronous, it will not return until the callback
has been called on every row of the result. But this might change.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
sql | string | A string of SQL text. Can contain placeholders that will be bound to the parameters given as the second argument | |
params= | Statement. | <optional> | Parameters to bind to the query |
callback | function | Function to call on each row of result | |
done | function | A function that will be called when all rows have been retrieved |
The database object. Useful for method chaining
- Type:
- Database
Read values from a table
db.each("SELECT name,age FROM users WHERE age >= $majority", {$majority:18},
function (row){console.log( + " is a grown-up.")}
["exec"](sql, paramsopt) → {Array.<Database.QueryExecResult>}
Execute an SQL query, and returns the result.
This is a wrapper against Database.prepare, Statement.bind, Statement.step, Statement.get, and
The result is an array of result elements. There are as many result elements as the number of statements in your sql string (statements are separated by a semicolon)
Example use
We will create the following table, named test and query it with a multi-line statement using params:
id | age | name |
1 | 1 | Ling |
2 | 18 | Paul |
We query it like that:
var db = new SQL.Database();
var res = db.exec(
+ "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER, age INTEGER, name TEXT);"
+ "INSERT INTO test VALUES ($id1, :age1, @name1);"
+ "INSERT INTO test VALUES ($id2, :age2, @name2);"
+ "SELECT id FROM test;"
+ "SELECT age,name FROM test WHERE id=$id1",
"$id1": 1, ":age1": 1, "@name1": "Ling",
"$id2": 2, ":age2": 18, "@name2": "Paul"
is now :
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
sql | string | a string containing some SQL text to execute | |
params | Statement. | <optional> | When the SQL statement contains placeholders, you can pass them in here. They will be bound to the statement before it is executed. If you use the params argument as an array, you cannot provide an sql string that contains several statements (separated by |
The results of each statement
- Type:
- Array.<Database.QueryExecResult>
["export"]() → {Uint8Array}
Exports the contents of the database to a binary array. This operation will close and re-open the database which will cause any pragmas to be set back to their default values.
An array of bytes of the SQLite3 database file
- Type:
- Uint8Array
["getRowsModified"]() → {number}
Returns the number of changed rows (modified, inserted or deleted) by the latest completed INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement on the database. Executing any other type of SQL statement does not modify the value returned by this function.
the number of rows modified
- Type:
- number
Analyze a result code, return null if no error occured, and throw an error with a descriptive message otherwise
["iterateStatements"](sql) → {StatementIterator}
Iterate over multiple SQL statements in a SQL string. This function returns an iterator over Statement objects. You can use a for..of loop to execute the returned statements one by one.
Name | Type | Description |
sql | string | a string of SQL that can contain multiple statements |
the resulting statement iterator
- Type:
- StatementIterator
Get the results of multiple SQL queries
const sql_queries = "SELECT 1 AS x; SELECT '2' as y";
for (const statement of db.iterateStatements(sql_queries)) {
const sql = statement.getSQL(); // Get the SQL source
const result = statement.getAsObject({}); // Get the row of data
console.log(sql, result);
// This will print:
// 'SELECT 1 AS x;' { x: 1 }
// " SELECT '2' as y" { y: '2' }
["prepare"](sql, paramsopt) → {Statement}
Prepare an SQL statement
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
sql | string | a string of SQL, that can contain placeholders ( | |
params | Statement. | <optional> | values to bind to placeholders |
SQLite error
- Type
- String
the resulting statement
- Type:
- Statement
["run"](sql, paramsopt) → {Database}
Execute an SQL query, ignoring the rows it returns.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
sql | string | a string containing some SQL text to execute | |
params | Statement. | <optional> | When the SQL statement contains placeholders, you can pass them in here. They will be bound to the statement before it is executed. If you use the params argument, you cannot provide an sql string that contains several statements (separated by |
The database object (useful for method chaining)
- Type:
- Database
// Insert values in a table
"INSERT INTO test VALUES (:age, :name)",
{ ':age' : 18, ':name' : 'John' }
["updateHook"](callback) → {Database}
Registers an update hook with SQLite.
Every time a row is changed by whatever means, the callback is called once with the change ('insert'
, 'update'
or 'delete'
), the database name and table name where the change happened and the rowid of the row that has been changed.
The rowid is cast to a plain number. If it exceeds Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
(2^53 - 1), an error will be thrown.
Important notes:
- The callback MUST NOT modify the database in any way
- Only a single callback can be registered at a time
- Unregister the callback by passing
- Not called for some updates like
without aWHERE
See SQLite documentation on sqlite3_update_hook for more details
Name | Type | Description |
callback | Database~UpdateHookCallback | |
The database object. Useful for method chaining
- Type:
- Database
// Create a database and table
var db = new SQL.Database();
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- this is the rowid column
name TEXT,
active INTEGER
// Register an update hook
var changes = [];
db.updateHook(function(operation, database, table, rowId) {
changes.push({operation, database, table, rowId});
console.log(`${operation} on ${database}.${table} row ${rowId}`);
// Insert a row - triggers the update hook with 'insert'"INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Alice', 1)");
// Logs: "insert on main.users row 1"
// Update a row - triggers the update hook with 'update'"UPDATE users SET active = 0 WHERE id = 1");
// Logs: "update on main.users row 1"
// Delete a row - triggers the update hook with 'delete'"DELETE FROM users WHERE id = 1");
// Logs: "delete on main.users row 1"
// Unregister the update hook
// This won't trigger any callback"INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'Bob', 1)");
Type Definitions
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
columns | Array.<string> | the name of the columns of the result (as returned by Statement.getColumnNames) |
values | Array.<Array.<Database.SqlValue>> | one array per row, containing the column values |
- string |
number | null | Uint8Array
UpdateHookCallback(operation, database, table, rowId)
Name | Type | Description |
operation | 'insert' | |
database | string |
table | string |
rowId | number |